The fuse pipe is the main part of fuse, it is made by installing the fuse wire in the porcelain pipe, filling the quartz sand in the porcelain pipe and sealing to-ends of pipe. 熔断管是熔断器的主要部件,它是由熔丝装在瓷管中,并在瓷管中充填石英砂,两端密封而成。
Our company mainly produces various specifications, such as quartz sand. 我公司主要生产各种规格石英砂等。
Ceramic industry: abrasive materials, alumina, porcelain clay mud, mud and superfine glass powder, refractory material, quartz sand, PVC powder grain tree, citric acid, PE powder, washing powder, etc. 陶瓷行业:研磨料、氧化铝、瓷泥浆、粘土泥浆、玻璃粉、耐火材料、石英砂、PVC树脂粉粒、柠檬酸、聚乙烯粉、洗衣粉等。
A preliminary study on surface microstructure of quartz sand from Zhejiang coast zone 浙江海岸带石英砂表面微形貌结构的初步研究
Study on metallogenic rules of glass quartz sand deposit in south Xinyi, Jiangsu 江苏新沂南部地区玻璃用石英砂矿成矿规律研究
The factory was established in1998, is peace in the first manufacturer of quartz sand. 本厂成立于1998年,是和平县最早的石英砂生产厂家。
With the structural modification of quartz sand filter in Daqing oil field, and using the suspended sludge filtration in treating oilfield wastewater, the good experimental results are obtained. 对大庆油田石英砂过滤器结构进行改造,并应用悬浮污泥过滤技术对油田污水进行了深度处理,试验取得了良好的处理效果。
Sandblasting is the most commonly used coarsening process, in sharp sand, hard as well, the use of quartz sand, corundum and so on. 喷砂是最常用的粗化工艺,砂粒以锋利、坚硬为好,可选用石英砂、金刚砂等。
A mineral form of vitreous or glassy silica; formed by the melting of quartz sand ( as by lightning or a meteorite). 一种玻璃质或象玻璃的硅石矿物,由在闪电或陨星的作用下熔化的石英砂构成。
This study finds out the linear relation between the WRC parameters and the porosity of quartz sand with a WRC sand box test. 本研究进行保水曲线砂箱试验,以夯实石英砂之方式了解孔隙率影响保水曲线变化,并得到保水曲线参数与孔隙率间之线性关系。
Effect of forming pressure on the properties of quartz sand fired brick by isostatic compaction 等静压成型压力对石英砂烧结砖性能的影响研究
Compared with the porcelain granule with a same grain diameter, gravel and quartz sand can be cleaned easily. 与相同粒径的陶粒相比较,砾石和石英砂易于冲洗干净;
Appearance white, more edges and corners, without powder product attached to quartz sand surface. 外观洁白,多棱角,无粉末积附于石英砂表面。
Sludge reduction performance by earthworm biofilters using quartz sand and ceramsite as media was compared. 比较了石英砂和陶粒滤料蚯蚓生物滤池的污泥减量化效果。
The surface features of the quartz sand grains from the Cretaceous desert in the Sichuan Basin 四川盆地白垩纪沙漠石英沙颗粒表面特征
Surface characteristics of quartz sand coated with iron oxides 氧化铁涂层石英砂滤料表面特征研究
And the stability of filtered water, from the economic perspective, relatively, than the quartz sand or river sand and sea sand much lower. 且滤后水质稳定,从经济效益看,相对比较,本石英砂比河砂和海砂还是低廉得多。
Raw Ore Property Analysis Methods Used in Iranian Quartz Sand Dressing Test 谈伊朗某地石英砂矿选矿试验中所运用的原矿性质分析方法
The surface features of quartz sand grains may well be used as the indicators of their depositional environments due to larger hardness and chemical stability. 过去关于其沉积环境的判别主要是根据沉积结构和构造,并未对其石英沙颗粒表面特征进行过系统分析。
Preparation and structural morphology of epoxy resin/ quartz sand coated particles 环氧树脂/石英砂粒状包覆体的制备及结构形态
The calcareous material is mainly lime and cement, the siliceous material generally is industrial waste in China, such as fly-ash, tailings etc, or quartz sand. 钙质材料主要是石灰、水泥,硅质材料我国一般采用工业废渣,如粉煤灰、尾矿等,也可用石英砂。
Using quartz sand, limestone, dolomite and other natural mineral as the main raw material, cooperate with some soda, borax etc chemical raw materials melting into glass. 采用石英砂、石灰石、白云石等天然矿石为主要原料,配合一些纯碱、硼砂等化工原料熔成玻璃。
Through immobilizing the isolated Leptothrix bacteria on manganese sand and quartz sand, the iron and manganese removal efficiency by the biologically immobilized filtration columns were studied. 通过在锰砂及石英砂上固定自行分离的纤发菌属细菌,研究了生物固定化锰砂及石英砂滤柱的除铁除锰能力。
The wide distribution of granite and quartz sand, clay construction materials is an important resource. 广泛分布的花岗岩及石英砂、粘土是重要的建筑原料资源。
Pretreatment system generally includes the original pumps, dosing devices, quartz sand filter, activated carbon filter, precision filter and so on. 预处理系统一般包括原水泵、加药装置、石英砂过滤器、活性炭过滤器、精密过滤器等。
Purifying quartz sand is the most difficult separation technic that eliminate the few and trace of impurities of quartz sand to produce high purity quartz. 石英砂提纯是除去石英砂中少量或微量杂质,获得精制石英砂或高纯石英砂的高难度分离技术。
Research on Fluidization Characteristics of Mixture of Used-tire Colloidal Particles and Quartz Sand 废轮胎胶粒与石英砂的混合流化特性研究
The adsorption filtration tests show that the turbidity removal efficiency of modified quartz sand is13% higher than natural quartz sand; 结果表明,改性石英砂比天然石英砂对浑浊度的去除率平均高出13%以上;